Being alone with Allah is better than being crowded by people who have forgotten Allah;)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Selamat datang 2011^_^

ye!welcome 2011:mcm sume org,azam aku byk
tp bler aku tgk blek azam aku, every year mcm sme je.jd,sebagai konklusinya,
ny azam aku;)

:aku harap tahun ny aku lbh yakin dan makin semangat dan tak sombong/bongkak dan positif dan juga aku akn cube give the best dlm ape aku buat dan semoga aku berubah semakin beriman.

yahh!nmpknyer tu la azam aku.walau apepun azam korang.believe in urself becoz i achieve mine in 2010;)

goodbye,blog! -maryam atiqah fauzi-

Monday, December 27, 2010


mengenang kembali nostalgia itu memberikan aku satu senyuman manis.haha.cukup jiwang takk ayat aku? tapi memang aku nak pegi la's not about the place or the beautiful view but it's about my relatives there.walaupun ny mcm first time aku jmp dorang.Akan tetapi,aku dilyn sgtla baik.baik yang sgt luarbiasa.Yela,mmg la da kte sdre tapi aku xrse dorang mcm sdre aku but mcm lagi rapat.Aku xdpt nk jelaskn kat sini.hati aku je yg dpt jwb bende2 ny.
First time ble dpt tau kteowg(aku and kakak aku) nk g sne,excited tu kire wajib tp otak aku hny tepikir nk g jalan-jalan.But then it change,when my first met them there,I was feeling liked they had captured my heart with the sincerity in the way of treating us.They're funny but there's no gossiping!

this is my sis.We had just arrived there.takot sesat time ny.

ny pulak aku.of course la tgh promote Singapore.haha.btw,aku rse mcm dlm amazing race asia bler bwk beg berat2 cm tu.

Nseb baiklah,kak Nadia(sepupu kami)dtg akhirnya.Time tu da cuak gler takut sesat ntah mne.On the way nk smp rumah kak Nadia.Guess what?!

sangat comel la.aku nak pindah sana lahh! >_<'

inilah heroku Ahmad dan ibunya a.k.a Kak Nadia

Jadi,aku nk crite panjang sgt.Tamat sampai di sini.Aku hrp korang dpt rse ape yang aku rse walaupun hny dgn membce.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

here's the goodbye!

"forget the old,aim the new goal"

We always listen to sad song during sad time,
we always pretend to look stronger then we used to be when we upset,
now,forget the old sad melody in our old time of life,
because here comes the new goal of becoming a new different human being.

by:ungu <3
"as i keep remember the memory,now its time for me to keep moving forward"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Selamat Hari Lahir,Adik!

well,i have a younger brother.Liked we all had been experienced,they were really annoying!Jahatnyer aku tapi itu hakikat.adik punyer salah,aku kne.However,aku masih sayang kau adik.hahah.Jadi,to my adik:Muzammel Ikram Fauzi:selamat hari lahir!
Aku mmg selalu geram ngn dye and one thing for sure,aku suke korek rahsia dye then ejek!

;)adik saya bertuah sebab lahir pd hari Maal Hijrah
1437 amel!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jihu sunbae!

well,hari tu aku terbce surat khabar and ternmpk iklan ny y mngtekn kim hyun joong mau dtg malaysia ma!aku bgtau my sis.At first,aku ingt dye xnk g.Tp akhrnyer mmg kteowg pegi.mmg betul2 xpcye!selalu aku tgk je poster or b.o.f but this time,IT"S REAL,MAN!

yeahh!aku tau ny menyedihkan tp mmg kteowg xdpt satu pon gamba dpn muke dye.

aku dr xmnt jd mnt dye sbb dye mmg handsome thp dewa !

korang ley tgk sndri btpe byk cbrn aku tempuhi.ramai orang-bertolak2-skl dgn aku mnyerap bau kat puas hati!

Lupe nk crite aku pegi sne bsme lg 4 org y mnjdkn jumlah kteowg 5 tmasuk aku.inilah mereka-mereka yang gler!

ciya-the aino girl.kak ara- the motorola girl.saya-the nokia girl(mstla nokia!)

amel-the ym boy!

oboi-the spec boy

keseluruhannya sgtla happy and puas hati.dan untuk aku,aku cume nk ckp:nsb baik downg x bwk gu junpyo,klu takk mmg konfm aku akn mati angau!
so,bye-bye blog!